Labrite Pty (LTD), established in 1999, is situated in Witbank, Mpumulanga. Labrite provides various services and products to laboratories in the mining industry in Southern Africa as well as exporting across our borders into Africa.


Service and repair of Laboratory Furnaces, Ovens, Balances, Scales, Mills and Pulverisors, Jaw Crushers, Sieve Shakers and other Laboratory equipment.

In the Laboratories, we perform maintenance of Laboratory equipment such as Calibration of Furnaces, Ovens as well as Balances and Scales.

We design and manufacture elements according to specifications. for all types of Furnaces and Ovens.

We are suppliers of Furnaces, Ovens, Balances, Scales Pulp density scales, Water baths, Stirrers, Hotplates, Jaw crushers, Pulverisors and Sieve shakers.